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“The Archive: Static, Embodied, Practiced”

Pendant que nous explorons des projets mémoriels de récréations d’archives photographiques qui fleurissent en ligne sur “base nationale” (1), signalons le workshop (de 35 jours : du 6 mai au 9 juin 2013) – The Archive: Static, Embodied, Practised – qui se tient en ce moment au Ghana, à l’initiative du CCA, Lagos et en collaboration avec Foundation for Contemporary Art-Ghana :


La dernière newsletter du CCA, Lagos (“double issue n. 15 et 16, May-Dec. 2012, accessible ici en pdf) le présente ainsi (p. 5) :

“After two very successful programmes which took place in Lagos, the initiative will move
for the first time to another West African country Accra, Ghana. During “The Archive: Static,
Embodied, Practiced”, artists and curators will be encouraged to consider the archive beyond the narrow definition as solely a physical space where collections of documents are kept. What constitutes an archive? Who determines what materials are archival? What particular narratives do archives present, and how? What do archives reveal about the state, particular places or society in general? What is the role of archives and documents in contemporary visual art and curatorial practice today, and what can it be in the future?
It is these questions, among others, that “The Archive: As Static, Embodied, Practiced” will
encourage participating artists and curators to consider as possibilities for interacting with
archives in their practice, be it indigenous or contemporary.
The focus will be less on technique and primarily on methodology, critical thinking, and
the implementation of conceptual ideas. It will be of benefit to artists and curators interested
in thinking through the conception and execution of their practice, who are curious and interested in experimenting through forms of practice and thought outside of the traditional modes of working, but not to its total exclusion.”

Images et informations sur le déroulement du travail en cours peuvent être glanées dans les pages Facebook des deux structures partenaires.

(1) Ainsi, par exemple, les projets Vintage Somalia et Discover Somalia, mais aussi Liberia77 dont nous reparlerons prochainement ou Indian Memory Project.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
fotota (17 mai 2013). “The Archive: Static, Embodied, Practiced” FOTOTA - Perspectives africaines en photographie. Consulté le 10 février 2025 à l’adresse

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