Revue de presse #57 – Janvier 2018
La revue de presse de janvier 2018 met en vedette deux projets : la collection Ngilima et Archive of Malian Photography. Les femmes photographes sont également à l’honneur, tout comme les photographes qui militent pour des causes tant politiques que sociales. Tandis que la 11e édition des Rencontres de Bamako ferme ses portes. Bonne lecture !

Photo: from the book Common Place. A Wattville lounge with its plethora of objects evoking Western urban lifestyle. Early 1960s, by Torrance Ngilima.
The photographer Abdo Shanan, par , Singulart Magazine, le 30/01/18;
Alain Ngann, le photographe qui rend leur dignité aux albinos, par Séverine Kodjo-Grandvaux, Le Monde Afrique, le 28/01/18;
“Beaucoup de Camerounais atteints d’albinisme contactés par Alain Ngann ont d’abord refusé de participer à ce projet, craignant d’être mis à l’index. « De manière générale, lors des campagnes de sensibilisation, on a tendance à montrer une Afrique misérabiliste. Je n’aime pas ça. Je voulais au contraire redonner leur dignité aux personnes qui sont venues dans mon studio et travailler avec les émotions qu’elles dégagent. En fait, je ne parle pas d’albinisme car ce n’est pas le sujet. Mais d’humanité », insiste le photographe qui a accompagné ses modèles en leur proposant une préparation psychologique pour leur permettre d’affronter le regard des autres mais aussi leurs propres peurs.”
Un “activiste de la mémoire” contre le régime burundais. Propos recueillis à Bamako par Sébastien Hervieu, Courrier international, le 15/01/18;
“Obligé de fuir son pays en 2015 à la suite de la répression menée par le président Pierre Nkurunziza, le photographe burundais Teddy Mazina (…) se bat pour honorer la mémoire des victimes du régime.”
Nigerian Photographer Fati Abubakar Visits FSP, YouTube, le 4/01/18;
“Photographer Fati Abubakar has embarked on a personal project to showcase her hometown in Borno State, Nigeria, in the time of Boko Haram. “Bits of Borno” on social media has gained critical acclaim and has been covered in media outlets including the New York Times, the BBC, Reuters, CNN, Voice of America, Newsweek Europe, Africa is a Country, and Nigerian newspapers such as ThisDay and The Blueprint. On October 25, 2017, Abubakar spoke at the Forum for Scholars and Publics about documenting everyday life in Borno and shared some of the photographs from this series. Her work can be viewed at”
Preserving Heritage in Mali. A Spartan researcher helps digitize rare African photos and create global access, Michigan State University, non daté;
“One of the things I like about working in the digital humanities, and why we began this project, is that digital media can enable greater access, to a greater number of people, in more languages and with more transparency than traditional print publications,” Keller says. “In this case, it seemed to be the best way to address specific concerns that were raised by photographers and their families, who are often the custodians of these archives. Over the years, many of these individuals voiced the same needs and so we worked together to address them.”
“There was a strong relation in style with new and influential (picture) magazines like Drum as they were oriented towards a black clientele, and introduced a new, more glamorous urban world. It makes the Ngilima Collection a wonderful source of urban township culture, lacking the strong division between black and coloured communities of later days. It shows people constructing new identities in the midst of rough living conditions and growing apartheid. The images tell stories that differ from the so-called struggle photography. In her dissertation Feyder focusses on the complex question how photographs can contribute to the writing of black South African history. It makes sense.”
Émilie Régnier explores the ongoing cultural conversation between Africa and the West, Juxtapoz, le 30/01/18;
“The exhibition, titled From Mobuto to Beyoncé, also documented expressive hairstyles in Côte d’Ivoire and the influence of American pop starts such as Beyoncé and Rihanna on women’s style and fashion. “The completed cultural feedback loop, as Émilie’s photos demonstrate, is one in which many American designers and artists have traditionally taken their cues from African design and style.””
Royalty; a George Osodi exhibition at Tafeta Gallery, London | 18 Jan. – 12 Feb., 2018, Wish Africa, le 28/01/18;
De Malick Sidibé à Sory Sanlé: les échos des années « Yé-Yé » en Afrique de l’Ouest, par Virginie Ehonian, Africa Links, le 17/01/18;
Zohra Opoku: Harmattan Tales. Mariane Ibrahim Gallery, Seattle, WA, United States. 19 Jan 2018 – 17 Mar 2018, C&, non daté;
“Harmattan Tales is a utopian exploration of the cityscape by connecting to Muslim women in Accra, Ghana and discovering life in the city through their lens. Opoku explores these women’s personal beliefs and narratives, their acts of veiling and unveiling inherent to their daily rituals, movements in and out of public and private spaces, and the ways in which these movements influence their activities and responsibilities, regardless of age, marital or family status.”
Ouverture du MuPho à Saint Louis, premier musée dédié à la photographie au Sénégal. Interview de Salimata Diop, directrice artistique, par Jeanne Mercier, Afrique in Visu, le 15/01/18;
« Something We Africans Got », la revue qui veut « replacer le continent au centre de l’Histoire », par Roxana Azimi, Le Monde Afrique, le 7/01/18;
“Le troisième numéro abordera notamment les liens culturels entre le continent et l’Allemagne et comprendra un focus sur le Mali”
Sarah Waiswa : donner corps à la blancheur, par Julie Aubry-Tirel, IAM, le 24/01/18;
Memories and beauty captured in Africa, BBC, le 17/01/18;
Rencontres de Bamako : Les femmes à la recherche de leur reconnaissance, par Siddick Minga, IAM, le 17/01/18;
Photographie – Ghana : dans les yeux de Lucky Jim, par Nicolas Michel, Jeune Afrique, le 17/01/18;
James Barnor, pionnier de la photographie africaine, par Roxana Azimi, M le magazine du Monde, le 4/01/18;
James Barnor, le Swinging London en Noirs et Blancs (portfolio), M le magazine du Monde, le 4/01/18;
Addis Foto Fest Open Call 2018 (Closes 28th February).
Lagos – Maputo 2018: Call for Participation, par
“In 2018, Invisible Borders Trans-African project will embark on the 8th edition of its artistic Road Trip Project. The Road Trip this time, will be a Trans-African one encompassing countries, towns, villages, rivers and Trans-African highways between Lagos (Nigeria) and Maputo (Mozambique) within a period of 95 days, from August 20 to November 23, 2018. The road trip will feature 21 participants all together (3 administrators, 9 Trans-border participants and 9 guest participants).”
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