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Le travail de J.D. ‘Okhai Ojeikere présenté au MoAD de San Francisco

Le travail de J.D. ‘Okhai Ojeikere est présenté au Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD) de San Francisco, du 20 juin au 29 septembre 2013 :

“J. D. ‘Okhai Ojeikere: Sartorial Moments and the Nearness of Yesterday is the second in MoAD’s Curator’s Choice Series. Curated by Olabisi Silva, Director of the Contemporary Centre for Art, Lagos, Sartorial Moments portrays a people defining their place in history. J. D. ‘Okhai Ojeikere understood fashion as a personal display of independence, and in the 50 photographs included in this exhibition, dating from 1955 to 2008, he captures traditional Nigerian dress and hairstyles alongside popular Western-style adaptations. Hair, as one of the main identifiers of time and place, became an especially important focus for the artist as he documented the changing body politic of his young nation. In depicting the complexities of a new and free post-colonial Nigerian society, Ojeikere reveals the degree of influence that the West—particularly the United Kingdom and the United States—has had on the youth of Lagos as they continually negotiate between the old and the new, colonialism and post-colonialism.” (source : site du MoAD)

Lire la revue critique parue dans le SF Examiner (7/07/13) ici.

50.8 x 50.8 cm + reunat 5,08

J.D. ‘Okhai Ojeikere, Untitled, 1962, (UCI-1354-62). Courtesy de foto ojeikere.

Bisi Silva et Aura Seikkula ont co-signé un article publié dans la revue Africultures #88 (L’Harmattan, juin 2012, pp. 58-70) : “Capter l’époque : le regard indépendant de J.D. ‘Okhai Ojeikere”, qui explique comment le travail d’Ojeikere s’inscrivait parfaitement dans les enjeux de son époque, celle de l’indépendance. L’article est en ligne, dans sa version originale en anglais, ici.


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